Connections Video

This is an animation my team made. None of us had ever done animation before, but I think we did a pretty good job. My part in the project was conception, illustration, and story-boarding. I did not do any of the animation myself, but consulted on the animation as it was produced. The release of our video, at our main customer event in 2016, was a huge hit. SD’s Chief Officer in charge of Customer Support ranked it as the #1 best thing that came out of SD in 2016. Our customers liked it so much they asked us to make one for them to use to build their image in their communities and with their boards. It has created a whole new revenue stream for us, because although the generic video is free for all to use, we’ve started selling versions personalized with our customers’ logos. The original video can be seen here. The generic second video created for our customers is here. In the second video I played the same role as before. Ninty-five percent of the illustrations in both videos are mine, although I did not work on the animation. I used Illustrator primarily on this project.

Power of Libraries Logo and Store

This project began with a simple logo, which I designed:

It was the theme of our biggest conference of the year. We put it on our slides, in our brochures, and on our company button-downs. It was such a huge hit that customers were sneaking into our supply room to coif extra shirts. By the end of the conference our CMO had promised to make Power of Libraries merchandise available for sale to anybody who wanted it. Thus the project bounced back to my desk, and after extensive research my team and I released

The shop site relies on a shopify theme, so it’s not entirely my design, but I did the headers, and various other bits in Illustrator, and then I selected and created the merchandise.

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